How to Order Coffee in Chinese

Ordering coffee in Chinese like a local in China! Here are some keywords and phrases to help you order coffee in China.

Types of Coffee in Chinese

Espresso        浓缩咖啡   nóngsuō kāfēi
Americano      美式咖啡   měishì kāfēi
Black Coffee   黑咖啡      hēi kāfēi
Cappucino      卡布奇诺   kǎ bù qí nuò
Latté                拿  铁       ná tiě
Mocha             摩  卡       mó kǎ
Macchiato       玛奇朵      mǎ qí duǒ

wǒ yào yī bēi nátiě kāfēi, xièxie!
我  要  一 杯 拿铁  咖啡, 谢谢!
I would like a cup of Latte, thank you!

Choosing a Cup Size

Small cup     小杯     xiǎo bēi
Medium cup  中杯     zhōng bēi
Big cup          大杯     dà bēi
Venti              超大杯  chāo dà bēi

nín yào duō dà bēi?
A: 您 要 多大 杯?
What size do you like?
dà bēi, xièxie!
B: 大杯,谢谢!
Large, please!

Coffee Flavours in Chinese

Caramel         焦   糖    jiāo táng
Vanilla            香    草   xiāng cǎo
Hazelnut        榛   子    zhēn zi
Chocolate      巧克力   qiǎo kè lì
Peppermint    薄   荷    bò hé
Cinnamon      肉    桂   ròu guì

Coffee Temperature

Hot coffee       热咖啡    rè kāfēi
Hot beverage   热  饮     rè yǐn
Iced coffee       冰咖啡    bīng kāfēi
Iced beverage  冰镇饮料 bīngzhèn yǐnliào


Add milk             加牛奶   jiā niúnǎi
Add sugar           加  糖    jiā táng
No sugar            不要糖   bú yào táng
Add an extra shot 加  浓   jiā nóng

Whipped cream  鲜奶油   xiān nǎiyóu
Skinny   低脂牛奶          dī zhī niúnǎi
Dry        多奶泡,少奶     duō nǎipào, shào nǎi
Wet       少奶泡,多奶     shào nǎipào, duō nǎi
Decaf     低咖啡因         dī kāfēiyīn
Double-shot espresso
双倍浓缩  shuāngbèi nóngsuō

qǐng jiā diǎnr niúnǎi, xièxie!
请 加 点儿 牛奶, 谢谢!
please add some milk, thanks!

For here or to go

For here     在这儿喝  zài zhèr hē
To go          打      包  dǎ bāo

zài zhèr hē háishì dǎbāo?
A: 在 这儿 喝 还是 打包?
For here or take away?

wǒ zài zhèr hē.
B: 我 在 这儿 喝.
For here.
dǎ bāo.
B: 打 包.
I’ll take away.


nǐ hǎo, wǒ yào yī bēi bīng nátiě.
你好,我 要 一杯 冰拿铁。
I’d like an iced latte.

wǒ  yào yī xiǎo bēi nátiě zài zhèr hē, xièxie!
我 要 一小杯 拿铁 在这儿喝,谢谢!
I’d like a small cup of latte for here, thank you.

wǒ yào yī bēi chāodà jiāotáng mǎqíduǒ, dǎbāo, xièxie!
我要一杯超大焦糖玛奇朵,打包,谢谢 !
I’d like a venti caramel macchiato to go,thank you!

Do you have your own examples of how to order coffee in Chinese? Let us know in the comments below.

In China, coffee culture has rapidly evolved, with popular brands like Starbucks, Tim Hortons, Blue Bottle Coffee, and 瑞幸咖啡 (Ruì Xìng Kā Fēi) leading the way. Whether you’re enjoying a classic brew at Starbucks in China or exploring new tastes at Tim Hortons or Blue Bottle Coffee, the Chinese coffee scene offers a unique blend of tradition and modernity.

With the rise of local chains like 瑞幸咖啡, China and coffee have formed a unique relationship that blends global trends with local flavors. So, whether you’re a fan of global brands or local favorites, learning how to order coffee in Chinese will enhance your experience as you navigate the diverse coffee landscape in China.